God of my Fathers' Fathers' Father, who in plowed field, urban steel Behemoth and Iron Temple
Ever led my forebears on to improvement, please continue your inspiring
Guidance in this, my struggle today.
Strengthen my soul and my will so that the weakening instinct of
Self-preservation, which besets all of us in life,
Shall not blind me to my duty to my own manhood, to the
Glory of my calling, and to my responsibility to my
Fellow Men.
Grant unto my marrow- my sinew!- that disciplined valor and
Mutual confidence which ensures success amidst strife.
Let me not mourn for my brothers who have died before me,
But rather let me be glad that such Heroic Men have lived.
If it be my lot to fail, let me do so with courage and honor
In a manner which will bring the greatest harm to Modernity, that looming Demon which I stand against,
And please, oh Lord, protect and guide those I
Shall be unable to.
Give me strife.
Give me tenacity, O Lord!