My friend please sit and do comfort me Love
Easy Family and just lay down Dove
Hold me my friend my kind and close dear kin
As you smile I sleep and bring you well in
My friend, my love, I do not want the sex
Not to please or penetrate holes you hex
But to snuggle you as family does
Love you so much nice soft eachother's sons
O Love feel me up as I feel you up
Neither bundles of sticks nor a rub pup
For if women want this they get snuggles
Not a baby nor a pervert's bounce holes
Lust thrown away with the Titans it burns
Like the kings of Spain's sad twists and dark turns
Alone I do not want to be and cold
I wish how I wish for that one to hold
Even if they never want lusts of flesh
How I wish for someone special to mesh
Come and snuggle with me as we sleep tight
Please dream with me I do promise no bite