I've been blessed with sun-kissed horizons from city streets and wood porches,
Both frigid and humid,
But I've never breathed a breath as fresh as you.
I have seen children playing in sand upon the coastlines
Under the white wave-crests atop the dark, blue tides -
But I was not baptized in Holy Water as cool as you.
And the law's sleek, daring patrol cruisers don't ever roll down this Fort Lauderdale road, and though I believe, deep down,
That they don't dare to try,
I just pour some lemonade over the ice;
Let's us dance for a moment or two.
For Kate, you're the fire of North Carolina and South Florida, too.
The stars above the Shenandoah never burned bright as you.
You're the waves crashing hard over the Eastern Coast,
When the days grow cool, the nights long, and the Summertime fades.
I lost Faith in the World a long time ago.
I've scarce caressed a rosary
But I've seen Glory in a woman's eyes- a friend's eyes- Love's eyes;
Lush greens and browns conjur up the Eden-Tree's
Serpentine vines.
Each night alone since February's icy axe
Lengthens hoary hairs upon my lip-thatch.
Yes, when I truly pray beyond the pew
it's not to Christ, but to you,
My Kate.