My Lord Dracula

Do you see what I see?
The nightmares consume me
The ghost of my past haunts me
The maggots feed off me

Do you see what I see?
Drinking the blood of me
Tearing my skin
Making me dirty

Lord can't help me
He can't see what I see
Every night he comes to me
And makes sweet love to me

He has no reflection
I have no form of protection
I don't mind his calls
I don't mind his touch
His love for me is so much
He feeds on my blood when he sees me
Temps me and tastes me

My body is frail my love
My soul is yours now
You own my death
You are inside myself

My undying love
Wanders the night
Feeds off the living
Can not go by the light

Your sight is unknown
You are just but a shadow to some
I will see you tonight my prince
My lord Dracula