

Tara Nicole Walker


So what is there to say?

I cannot face the truth –

Or can I?

Yes, now that I stop to think,

I see I can –

But shall I?

It's a choice I make,

A chance I take.

Now, shall I see,

What's wrong with me?

So what is there to say?

Will I take my hands from my eyes,

Or no?

My stubborn nature says "no".

Do I want to stay locked in my shell,

Or no?

It's a choice I make,

For my won sake.

If I tried, I could see,

What is wrong with me.

I am so stubborn.

Can you tell?

It puts me through,

A living hell.

It drives my crazy,

And it's true.

A lot of the time,

I have no clue.

I can't let go,

I don't understand.

Do I need someone,

To hold my hand?

Do I need someone,

To hold me close?

Can't I do this,

On my won?

Don't offer me,

A helping hand.

I'll push you away,

If I can.

I don't know why I'm like this,

Though I try.

Why am I so stubborn?

Please tell me why.