Who Were You?
By Tara Nicole Walker
Dedicated to all of those mysteries buried six feet under.
Who were you?
I know your name,
The year you were born,
The year you died.
But I do not know,
Who you were.
When you passed on,
How many people cried?
Who were you?
Were you a son?
Were you a daughter?
Were you happy or sad?
Did you love the rain?
Did you hate the clouds?
Did you laugh or did you cry?
These I do not know, but you bet I wish I had.
Who were you?
I do not know.
The color of your eyes.
Thoughts that ran through your mind.
I didn't know your heart.
Did't know your face.
I don't know if you were,
Rough or kind.
Who were you?
A stone marker,
Just isn't enough,
To show who someone was.
There should be something more,
Than flowers on earth,
And a cold stone.
Because I know your life had a cause.
Who were you?
Where are you now?
Have you been lost,
In the undercrowd?
Who were you?
And if you were here,
How much wisdom could you show,
And how many tears.
Who were you?
Where are you now?
Have you been lost,
In the undercrowd?
You are gone,
And that is true.
But I still want to know:
Who were you?