Sitting alone
Feeling all this pain
Recalling the words
Those stinging tears coming on
It's inevitable
That fire burned out
You don't want to admit it
Neither do I
I still love you
From the bottom of my heart
But now it's lost all meaning
Nothing but a jumble of letters and sounds
Those words ripped me apart
I felt shaken, disturbed
Every time I hear your name I want to scream
To hug you
To kiss you again
But it's not like that anymore
It's not the same
It'll never be like that
Maybe we'll be friends
Maybe we'll be okay
To move on is what you feel
I don't want to
As a child would want to stay with his bear
I hoped to say and hold cherish
That if I had to hug you goodbye I'd never let go
But now it seems that I have to let go
That I have to move on
I still love you
You'll always be a part of me
But now we have to say goodbye
And I'll always keep you in my heart
The way we used to be
Since we're changing
Moving on
You don't need me anymore
But only one problem
I still need you
Parting is hard
Everything now is
But I hope that you'll always think of me
Even years from now
Now that it's over
I want to thank you for what we had
What you gave me,
I'll never be able to repay you
For those times we spent together
For those laughs we had
For those intimate moments
You'll always have a part of me with you
I'll hug you one last time
I'll kiss you one last time
And then I'll say goodbye…