I heard that click;
The end of the line
The end of the road
Seems to be
That we have to leave each other
That we weren't meant to be
But I guess it's over
I never wanted to leave you
I wanted to hold on
Now we're just friends
Just buddies
I wished we could see another day
To hold you in my arms and smile
If we were meant to be together
We would have resolved this
I'm angry
That we let this little thing stop us
Maybe we weren't meant to be
Or were we
I'm left alone again
Never to see you in that way
Maybe I want to, but I guess you won't
I don't want to leave you
But I know it's gotta happen
Leaving you,
Letting you go
I only have these memories
Those times of remembering your kiss
The way you tasted to me
Never will it be the same
Smiling that fake smile
I'm jealous now
That some other guy will steal your heart
Away from me
It hurts to think about it
But it has to happen eventually
Being friends
Won't ever be the same
I won't be able to hug you
To kiss you in that way
But I hope that someday
You find that 'Prince charming'
That one man will help you be who you want to be
The best man you've always wanted to be with
Who could fulfill everything you wanted
Now that my only ray of light is gone
I'm here in the dark
I still love you
I still hold it the same
You, I'm not sure
But we'll have a part of each other
Please don't forget me
And be happy, in the sun
While I'm standing in the cold,
Alone in the dark