"Dark Faeries"
By Ami E. Bowen
With gossamer wings of crystal light
They dance through my mind like insane
Ballerinas on crank.
I can't feel your touch, yet all through me, tiny knives draw blood
On moonless nights they tell me secrets
Whispering strange desires into my ears all night
As they're tongues form coils of ice around my heart
Slowly, silently, I sink deeper into thier world
I can hear them laughing, calling
Beseeching me to come. Pleading with me to follow
Tiny, little barb-like demons striking down every bit of hope
And I can't feel anything but the pain they inflect.
"Dark Faeries"
By Ami E. Bowen
With gossamer wings of crystal light
They dance through my mind like insane
Ballerinas on crank.
I can't feel your touch, yet all through me, tiny knives draw blood
On moonless nights they tell me secrets
Whispering strange desires into my ears all night
As they're tongues form coils of ice around my heart
Slowly, silently, I sink deeper into thier world
I can hear them laughing, calling
Beseeching me to come. Pleading with me to follow
Tiny, little barb-like demons striking down every bit of hope
And I can't feel anything but the pain they inflect.
"Dark Faeries"