"You stay here and guard or somethin', k," Simetra said and stood,
reaching to pull her hood and face veil on as she did so.
"Your not goin' no where without me!" Briar snapped, grabbing her arm and tugging her back down beside him in the shadows out of the guards sight.
"Stop that!" she retorted, pulling her arm from his grasp, "You'd get me caught"
"No I won't," he muttered in defence.
"You did last time," she contradicted. He made a poor imitation of a pout and she had to stop herself from laughing aloud. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "Would you just shut up for once and listen to me?" she added and stood again.
Briar gave her a disbelieving look. "I can take care of myself," she told him in a irritated tone and covered her face and hair with the hood and veil. Only her eyes showed, luminous in the dark alleyway, the violet color more noticeable than usual.
"Have it your way," he sighed and slumped against the wall as she dodged around the corner and out of sight.
Silently he followed her, despite all she'd said. 'No telling when she'll need back up, right?' he told himself, knowing she'd be furious when she found out he was trailing her.
Simetra pressed her self against an alley wall as a guard marched past the end of the alleyway. Briar sprinted silently up behind her while she was busy checking to see if the guard was out of sight. She turned suddenly as she felt someone approach her from behind.
"Briar!" she hissed
"What? You didn't really think I'd let you go alone did you?" he whispered back.
"I oughta slap you, you know," she muttered and looked to see if the coast was
"I know," he said quietly, grinning slightly, "but you won't."
"Shut your trap and come on!" she snapped and raced across the wide cobble street, now empty, and to the alley across the way.
"The keep is only a few streets away from here," Simetra whispered to him as they made their way down the alley. "With any luck we'll be back at Darkglen by dawn."
"Is that alive or in pieces?" Briar muttered, more to himself than Simetra.
"We'll get back ok. The question is can we spring the kid," she replied drily. Kalasi was as old or older than them, but that didn't matter. They always called her the kid since she seemed far younger than them.
After nearly a quarter of an hour of running through filthy, dark alleys, and dodging guards on open streets, the black walls of the Keep loomed into view. Archers, poised every few yards along the wall, paced in a bored, but alert sort of way across the top of the walls. At the Keeps base guards patrolled in the same sort of way.
"How do we get by them without them killing us?" Briar whispered in her ear.
"By killing them," Simetra whispered in reply.
"Your not goin' no where without me!" Briar snapped, grabbing her arm and tugging her back down beside him in the shadows out of the guards sight.
"Stop that!" she retorted, pulling her arm from his grasp, "You'd get me caught"
"No I won't," he muttered in defence.
"You did last time," she contradicted. He made a poor imitation of a pout and she had to stop herself from laughing aloud. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "Would you just shut up for once and listen to me?" she added and stood again.
Briar gave her a disbelieving look. "I can take care of myself," she told him in a irritated tone and covered her face and hair with the hood and veil. Only her eyes showed, luminous in the dark alleyway, the violet color more noticeable than usual.
"Have it your way," he sighed and slumped against the wall as she dodged around the corner and out of sight.
Silently he followed her, despite all she'd said. 'No telling when she'll need back up, right?' he told himself, knowing she'd be furious when she found out he was trailing her.
Simetra pressed her self against an alley wall as a guard marched past the end of the alleyway. Briar sprinted silently up behind her while she was busy checking to see if the guard was out of sight. She turned suddenly as she felt someone approach her from behind.
"Briar!" she hissed
"What? You didn't really think I'd let you go alone did you?" he whispered back.
"I oughta slap you, you know," she muttered and looked to see if the coast was
"I know," he said quietly, grinning slightly, "but you won't."
"Shut your trap and come on!" she snapped and raced across the wide cobble street, now empty, and to the alley across the way.
"The keep is only a few streets away from here," Simetra whispered to him as they made their way down the alley. "With any luck we'll be back at Darkglen by dawn."
"Is that alive or in pieces?" Briar muttered, more to himself than Simetra.
"We'll get back ok. The question is can we spring the kid," she replied drily. Kalasi was as old or older than them, but that didn't matter. They always called her the kid since she seemed far younger than them.
After nearly a quarter of an hour of running through filthy, dark alleys, and dodging guards on open streets, the black walls of the Keep loomed into view. Archers, poised every few yards along the wall, paced in a bored, but alert sort of way across the top of the walls. At the Keeps base guards patrolled in the same sort of way.
"How do we get by them without them killing us?" Briar whispered in her ear.
"By killing them," Simetra whispered in reply.