Title: A Warrior At Heart
Disclaimer (yes, actually there is one): Sellene Goddess made up the title. I’ve been inspired by Kerowyn’s tale (by Mercedes Lackey) and The Deeds of Paksenarrion (by Elizabeth Moon), so you might recognise some stuff from those books. Also, some things I’ve probably picked up from other places, but when I actually know this for a FACT I’ll leave a note at the top of the chapter.
Thanks to Sellene Goddess for beta-reading.
1.1 Chapter one: Guests, nannies and rebellious ladies
“Lady K’Chaya!â€
Disclaimer (yes, actually there is one): Sellene Goddess made up the title. I’ve been inspired by Kerowyn’s tale (by Mercedes Lackey) and The Deeds of Paksenarrion (by Elizabeth Moon), so you might recognise some stuff from those books. Also, some things I’ve probably picked up from other places, but when I actually know this for a FACT I’ll leave a note at the top of the chapter.
Thanks to Sellene Goddess for beta-reading.
1.1 Chapter one: Guests, nannies and rebellious ladies
“Lady K’Chaya!â€