Fell free to skip this, but it will be helpful to some, maybe for reference? I might add more characters when more come into the story.
Cast of Characters:
Name: Luka
Species: Elf/Demon
Occupation: Warrior and Scholar, now the Lord of his own castle
Age: 19
Hair: Honey blonde
Eyes: Green
Disposition: Friendly, caring.
Likes: Friendly people, his pets, Sylus, Styne and Laural, being close to people he loves.
Dislikes: Segregation.
Wish list: A cure for Thain's illness.
Name: Sylus
Species: Demon
Occupation: Chief of the Nightingales.
Age: 24
Hair: Ebony
Eyes: Gray
Disposition: Quiet, mysterious
Likes: Luka, his people
Dislikes: Anything contradictory to his beliefs
Wish list: Luka.
Name: Jared
Species: Demon
Occupation: Sylus' second-in-command
Age: 25
Hair: Black
Eyes: Violet
Disposition: Condescending, bitchy
Likes: Quiet, solitude, work, telling stories, being with Thain.
Dislikes: Stupid youngsters
Wish list: Harmonious world
Name: Kai
Species: Human
Occupation: Luka's pet.
Age: 16
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Doe brown
Disposition: Cute.
Likes: Being with Luka and Thain, winning, sleep.
Dislikes: Cold mornings, the Elfin Empress.
Wish list: Candies, Books about the world.
Name: Thain.
Species: Human
Occupation: Luka's pet
Age: 15
Hair: Light blue
Eyes: Lavender
Disposition: cute, quiet, sickly, loving
Likes: Being alone with Luka, warmth, sunshine, gardening
Dislikes: Death or loss.
Wish List: More time, independence
Name: Delphi
Species: Faerie
Occupation: Serves under the faerie/elfin ambassador
Age: 21
Hair: Green
Eyes: Light brown
Disposition: Matter-of-fact
Likes: Quiet, peace
Dislikes: Crowds
Wish list: A new pair of bifocals
Name: Styne
Species: Faerie
Occupation: Faerie/elfin ambassador
Age: 21
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Ice-blue
Disposition: Open, outgoing
Likes: Animals, Luka
Dislikes: Jared
Wish List: Luka's happiness
Name: Rouge (Pronounced like the color)
Species: Faeire
Occupation: Serves under faerie/elfin ambassador
Age: 23
Hair: Red
Eyes: Red
Disposition: impolite, good-humored
Likes: To argue with Jared, flirting
Dislikes: People with bad attitudes
Wish list: A serious boy/girlfriend
Name: Laural
Species: Royal Elf
Occupation: Prince of the Elves
Age: 19
Hair: Honey Blonde
Eyes: Yellow
Disposition: Chivalrous, strong-willed, loving
Likes: Traditions, festivals, Luka and Styne
Dislikes: Lechers
Wish List: Luka.
Name: Jen-Jen
Species: Human
Occupation: Styne's pet
Age: 17
Hair: Black
Eyes: Chocolate brown
Disposition: Often quiet, sometimes giggly, concerned for most everyone.
Likes: Laughter, medicinal studies, Kai.
Dislikes: Being far from people she knows and loves.
Wish List: Science books.
Name: Magerie
Species: Human
Occupation: Delphi's pet
Age: 16
Hair: Curly black
Eyes: violet
Disposition: Condescending, likes to laugh
Likes: Laughter, practical jokes, Prince Laural.
Dislikes: "Normal" situations.
Wish list: Noble title.
Name: Lilia
Species: Human
Occupation: Delphi's pet
Age: 15
Hair: Dirty blonde
Eyes: Hazel
Disposition: good-humored
Likes: To poke fun at the love triangles, Rouge
Dislikes: Her hair, most men
Wish list: A glass chess set.
Cast of Characters:
Name: Luka
Species: Elf/Demon
Occupation: Warrior and Scholar, now the Lord of his own castle
Age: 19
Hair: Honey blonde
Eyes: Green
Disposition: Friendly, caring.
Likes: Friendly people, his pets, Sylus, Styne and Laural, being close to people he loves.
Dislikes: Segregation.
Wish list: A cure for Thain's illness.
Name: Sylus
Species: Demon
Occupation: Chief of the Nightingales.
Age: 24
Hair: Ebony
Eyes: Gray
Disposition: Quiet, mysterious
Likes: Luka, his people
Dislikes: Anything contradictory to his beliefs
Wish list: Luka.
Name: Jared
Species: Demon
Occupation: Sylus' second-in-command
Age: 25
Hair: Black
Eyes: Violet
Disposition: Condescending, bitchy
Likes: Quiet, solitude, work, telling stories, being with Thain.
Dislikes: Stupid youngsters
Wish list: Harmonious world
Name: Kai
Species: Human
Occupation: Luka's pet.
Age: 16
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Doe brown
Disposition: Cute.
Likes: Being with Luka and Thain, winning, sleep.
Dislikes: Cold mornings, the Elfin Empress.
Wish list: Candies, Books about the world.
Name: Thain.
Species: Human
Occupation: Luka's pet
Age: 15
Hair: Light blue
Eyes: Lavender
Disposition: cute, quiet, sickly, loving
Likes: Being alone with Luka, warmth, sunshine, gardening
Dislikes: Death or loss.
Wish List: More time, independence
Name: Delphi
Species: Faerie
Occupation: Serves under the faerie/elfin ambassador
Age: 21
Hair: Green
Eyes: Light brown
Disposition: Matter-of-fact
Likes: Quiet, peace
Dislikes: Crowds
Wish list: A new pair of bifocals
Name: Styne
Species: Faerie
Occupation: Faerie/elfin ambassador
Age: 21
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Ice-blue
Disposition: Open, outgoing
Likes: Animals, Luka
Dislikes: Jared
Wish List: Luka's happiness
Name: Rouge (Pronounced like the color)
Species: Faeire
Occupation: Serves under faerie/elfin ambassador
Age: 23
Hair: Red
Eyes: Red
Disposition: impolite, good-humored
Likes: To argue with Jared, flirting
Dislikes: People with bad attitudes
Wish list: A serious boy/girlfriend
Name: Laural
Species: Royal Elf
Occupation: Prince of the Elves
Age: 19
Hair: Honey Blonde
Eyes: Yellow
Disposition: Chivalrous, strong-willed, loving
Likes: Traditions, festivals, Luka and Styne
Dislikes: Lechers
Wish List: Luka.
Name: Jen-Jen
Species: Human
Occupation: Styne's pet
Age: 17
Hair: Black
Eyes: Chocolate brown
Disposition: Often quiet, sometimes giggly, concerned for most everyone.
Likes: Laughter, medicinal studies, Kai.
Dislikes: Being far from people she knows and loves.
Wish List: Science books.
Name: Magerie
Species: Human
Occupation: Delphi's pet
Age: 16
Hair: Curly black
Eyes: violet
Disposition: Condescending, likes to laugh
Likes: Laughter, practical jokes, Prince Laural.
Dislikes: "Normal" situations.
Wish list: Noble title.
Name: Lilia
Species: Human
Occupation: Delphi's pet
Age: 15
Hair: Dirty blonde
Eyes: Hazel
Disposition: good-humored
Likes: To poke fun at the love triangles, Rouge
Dislikes: Her hair, most men
Wish list: A glass chess set.