The rocky field was dark and cold,
She was afraid but She stood tall and bold.
She waited for her first enemy the enemy of Despair,
Who would make her life so miserable She wouldnÆt even care.
With one hand upon her sword and the other upon her chest,
She waited for the Dragon determined to do her best.
Aware of the rolling clouds and the sudden stillness of the air,
She knew that the gigantic Dragon that now stood before her was her enemy Despair.
ItÆs evil eyes glowed red and itÆs scaly body quivered,
She took one look at the humongous beast and suddenly She shivered.
With a ear-splitting screech the Dragon swung itÆs tail toward her,
She watched the spiked tail coming as She said a silent prayer.
Just in time she drew her sword,
And block the tail without a word.
With a scream of pain the Dragon recoiled,
And huffed a spew of fire which bubbled and boiled.
She dodge the ball of fire as it came down with a mind-blowing crash,
She slipped and fell gouging her leg as the Dragon came with another lash.
She struggled up and slashed DragonÆs arm,
The Dragon gave her a blow broadside with the force of a car.
She clenched her teeth in pain as she slammed against a stone,
Her arm was pinned behind her nearly breaking the bone.
The Dragon picked up a boulder and pitched it hard,
Then puffed out a cloud of smoke that was a slimy as lard.
She could see nothing so She ran blindly forward,
Holding out her shining sword.
She felt herself hit the creature,
Therefore She plunged her sword in deeper.
She heard the scream then all grew quiet,
She thought to herself maybe I could go on a Dragon diet.
She got ready to cross the rocky field as she looked at the still body,
Knowing that She had more enemies to face just like anybody.
By Tara N. Walker