Fuck it

Fuck the world with all it’s shit

Fuck the drugs that rule the streets

Fuck the violence you see on TV

Fuck it all, nothings worth shit

Going to school, putting up with that shit

Living at home, getting yelled at everyday

Being clones

Wanting to be accepted by the ‘cool’ group

Talking to counselors, trying to figure out why you’re so fucked

Sex, drugs, violence, fuck it all

You can’t out run this shit

Join in the fun and all the games

The lights are slowly going out

Every corner you turn there’s drugs, violence and sex

I don’t lie, so listen up

Drop your faith â€" there’s no such thing

I’ve been there and back, I know the rules

The lights are slowly going out

Cloaking the world in darkness

No ones safe, there’s no where to run

So fuck it all

You can’t beat us, there’s too many

There’s nothing to do but join us

Fuck the world with all it’s shit

Fuck the drugs that rule the streets

Fuck the violence you see on TV

Fuck it all, nothings worth shit