
Comfort, Questions, and Hurt

By Slick

This is dedicated to Simon Lozano, after I read his poem, "I Miss You Dad".

Comfort is so hard sometimes,

To seek out and to find,

When something tragic happens in out lives,

We need friends to surround us to help us unwind.

Hurt's not so easy to heal,

And comfort is sometimes so hard to get,

But God loves us more than any friend,

So, knowing that, we have no need to fret.

There are so many questions,

That we have on this earth,

Like, ?Where is God when it comes to death?

And, ?Where is God in still-birth?

?Where is God in divorce?

?Where is God when I hurt?

?Where is God when my world crashes down around me?

?Why does the world have to be so curt?

God has his reasons,

And some of them even I can't understand,

But I know that one day, those who have excepted him will go to Heaven,

And will never have to come back again, to this mortal land.

I can't wait until the time comes,

When God will give us all the answers,

But for now, I'll look to God,

For the things that I need, those comforting words.

The End