A/N: This story is based off of a manga I have written/drawn over the past
several months. It is a bit violent, has some disturbing mental images, and
has hints of shonen-ai, though the couples are all heterosexual. I’ll try
to get the story version of this up asap, but it is painstaking to go frame
by frame and present the images verbally, so bear with me. Please, enjoy.
Cast of Characters:
Alias: The Leader
Tail #: 1 (becomes 0)
Name: James Daitenchi
Country of Birth: Japan
Age: 18
Height: 5’7â€
Cast of Characters:
Alias: The Leader
Tail #: 1 (becomes 0)
Name: James Daitenchi
Country of Birth: Japan
Age: 18
Height: 5’7â€