This is just a little something I wrote a while ago. It’s kind of
depressing, but I suck at writing happy poetry, so just read and review!
I’ll review all my reviewers!
Night and Day
White moon, full moon, dark moon child,
Standing by the lake.
Searching out the moonstones that are there for her to take.
Slowly she does wander, probing dark thoughts deep,
Memories forgotten, moonstones washed upon the shore.
She knows she must collect them,
But she does not know why,
Her life is a black vortex of tears.
Gold sun, hot sun, bright sun child,
In her lover’s arms.
Her world is full of happiness, she will not come to harm.
Like one they dance together, her thoughts are all of light,
The sunstones that are memories so utterly complete.
With them she feels a wholeness,
She needs not question why,
Her life is a golden sphere of light.
Once we were the same I think,
This sun child and I.
My life was too a glowing golden sphere.
But know I am a moon child, broken and alone,
Searching for my place, searching out the stones.
My world can never be complete until I can return,
My lover’s arms are empty; my true form lies in wait.
My soul is trapped,
A dark moon child,
Standing by the lake.
Night and Day
White moon, full moon, dark moon child,
Standing by the lake.
Searching out the moonstones that are there for her to take.
Slowly she does wander, probing dark thoughts deep,
Memories forgotten, moonstones washed upon the shore.
She knows she must collect them,
But she does not know why,
Her life is a black vortex of tears.
Gold sun, hot sun, bright sun child,
In her lover’s arms.
Her world is full of happiness, she will not come to harm.
Like one they dance together, her thoughts are all of light,
The sunstones that are memories so utterly complete.
With them she feels a wholeness,
She needs not question why,
Her life is a golden sphere of light.
Once we were the same I think,
This sun child and I.
My life was too a glowing golden sphere.
But know I am a moon child, broken and alone,
Searching for my place, searching out the stones.
My world can never be complete until I can return,
My lover’s arms are empty; my true form lies in wait.
My soul is trapped,
A dark moon child,
Standing by the lake.