Title: Questionable
Summary: Musings on the life I knew so long ago and wondering what happened
Author: Gothic Tears of Reven
Rating: PG
please let me die before I wake
how much more pain must I take?
how much more ignorance must I endure?
what happened to 6th grade - innocent and pure?
why are my memories open and sore?
why is the life I knew a folklore?
who left me alone, tired and cold?
who walked away with nothing for me to hold?
why am I in more pain than others see?
why does this happen, happen to me?
Summary: Musings on the life I knew so long ago and wondering what happened
Author: Gothic Tears of Reven
Rating: PG
please let me die before I wake
how much more pain must I take?
how much more ignorance must I endure?
what happened to 6th grade - innocent and pure?
why are my memories open and sore?
why is the life I knew a folklore?
who left me alone, tired and cold?
who walked away with nothing for me to hold?
why am I in more pain than others see?
why does this happen, happen to me?