What it

What it's Like with Me and Nation

By Tara N. Walker


The woods were quiet. Well, not exactly quiet, more like peaceful, serene, relaxed, comfortable.

I love to do that. I love to think of all sorts of different words to describe one thing. Sometimes, like just a second ago, I get kind of carried away.

I laid back on the steep hill that sloped right down to the stream below, my hands behind my head, basking in the sun that poured over and warmed me. I closed my eyes, enjoying the stillness. Enjoying the feel of the breeze as it wafted over my body. But the feeling that I enjoyed a moment later was much more wonderful.

I felt myself being lifted from my lying position and into the strong arms of my husband, Nation. He pulled me onto his lap as his sat there in the brilliantly colored grass, and turned me sideways so that he could see my face.

I smiled and put my hand on his dark cheek, tracing his strong jaw line and then putting my arms around his neck and he gathered me into his arms. As I hugged him close I once again saw the contrast that our skin made as it touched, how pale mine was against his, and smiled again. I brought my cheek up against his and whispered into his ear, "I'm so happy you married me."

His lips slid across my cheek and before they reached my mouth replied, "I didn't marry you -- you married me!"

I closed my eyes and returned his kiss willingly. His lips were soft, yet firm, and just being so close to him filled me with sense of overwhelming happiness.

His arms around me were strong and protective and tightened around me, drawing me closer against him, as if to ward off and protect me from the world around us.

If there were a record for the longest loving kiss between a married couple, we would have broken it ten times over.

I drew back first and he drew me even closer against him. I rested my head on his shoulder, just enjoying his presents. He made me feel loved, cherished, something special, something priceless. His arms around me felt, protective, strong, able, and willing. His breath was sweet, his eyes were filled with love and his hands that rested on the small of my back filled me with excitement and joy.

Nation brought up a hand and stroked the side of my face, then twirled a strand of my long brown hair.

As the sun began to sing lower and lower in the sea of blue high above us, coloring the sky with splashes of red, pink and gold, Nation brought my cheek against his and tenderly let his lips rest against my neck.

I pressed myself closer against him, and responding to this, our lips met firmly once again, making our figures look like black silhouettes against the bright orange of the setting sun.

The End