Hey!! I know I'm supposed to be writing that Digimon fic but I just couldn't help it. I had to write something light. So I'm writing this. I just needed to get my mind off of hospitals and stuff like that. I think I'm actually going to continue this. Then I'll be a little busy what with two series to write and swim season starting then I'll have to worry about school. Oye!! But I know that I will still write it'll just take me longer to get things up.
This is all mine!!!! My story!! My characters!! My plot!!!
Hope you like.
Difference By Aloh Dark
So what should I say? I'm different and there isn't much I can do to change that. I guess that with the way I am everyone would shun me. But I haven't told them yet so they don't have any reason to. But I guess I should tell them. I have known this for a year now and I hate lying to everyone.
Maybe I should tell you a little more about me. My name is Brian. I'm 17 and I go to Minisink Valley. I hate it there but at least most people don't give a damn whether or not you're gay. After all there are a lot of known lesbians and a few gay men. But it would be different with me. I'm a skater boy but I'm also really good in school. I have a knack from both skating and school. I have a few close friends but that's it. There are only five people that I consiter my best friends and a lot of other people I consider my friends. But I know for a fact that I'm the only one that's gay in the group.
The one cool thing about all of us is that the six of us can get together and rarely if ever fight. And even those are fake fights most of the time.
Our parents are cool too. I mean how many people can say that their parents will let 5 of your friends sleep over just for the hell of it? And say that out of those five friends there are 2 boys and 3 girls? Our parents are cool like that. Besides we tend to rotate houses so the parents get five weeks to recover from the last visit. Those Saturday nights, Sunday nights when we stay at my place, are the only times when the six of us can all get together. It's just that I don't know how I can tell them.
I think I should tell maybe a little bit more before I get into the whole how to come out thing. So… I think a physical description is in order here!
Lets see… I'm about 5'9 (shortest guy in the group but I'm still a good 4 inches taller than the girls). I have no clue at all at how much I weigh. But I'm thin and strong. Kinda like Heero from Gundam Wing. I have brown eyes and hair. I'd never change my hair. I positively adore my hair. Ok that sounded really gay, but that's what I am. My hair is also about a little longer than shoulder length. It's really messy but I like it. I would change my brown eyes though. I think I'm going to get colored contacts so my eyes are blue or maybe back. I don't know but what makes my eyes worse is the fact that I wear glasses. They're kind of oval with a reddish-brown frame. They look good on me but I hate them.
I'm not really into sports but I am on the track team. Just like my brother before me I throw. I like it but I just don't like it as much as my parents want me to. I want to be a writer. I love to read and write. In fact it was through reading and writing that I found out I am gay. Weird ain't it. But yea by reading GWing slash I found out that I was gay. I now write slash and I am kind of good at it. I want to write a novel about what it's like being gay and in the closet, then it'll go one and be about coming out and finding their place in society and then about having a boyfriend. Hopefully I will be able to use my own life as a model. That is if I ever get the courage to tell anyone I'm gay. I mean it is a far jump from being on the web and saying that you're gay to actually telling my family and friends I'm gay.
I just hope that they'll accept me. I know that it'll be a big change in their lives but I hope they except me for me and not go ballistic on me. I think that if my family does hate for what I am I'll move out. I could find a job and a cheep place to rent. I could live on my own and still achieve my dream, it would just take longer that's all. I've always had a problem with rejection, and if they do reject me it will just reinforce my fears. But I do have to tell them some time. And it has to be soon so I can stop hiding myself.
I don't want to hide anymore. I think I'd be perfectly fine in the closet if I hadn't meet Adam. Adam and I aren't dating but we are very close to it. The gang just thinks he's a friend but he's so much more. Adam is 6'1 and slightly built. He isn't a muscle man but you can see his muscles. And he has the cutest abs. A washboard stomach, a delectable six pack. He has back hair and his eyes have no definite color. They change with his moods. He's a punk through and through. He has a row of earrings going up his left lobe and three tiny little eyebrow piercing. He also has a barbell in his tongue. He's my Adam.
Unfortunately he doesn't go to my school. He goes to Burke. It's a privet catholic school around here. I've never been there myself but I know people that go there. I met Adam at the mall one day not to long ago. The gang was going to meet to see a movie before we head over to Chips house. I had gotten into a fight with the rents so I left. Amazing things diver license are. They let you escape whenever you need to. I was in FYE checking out the DVD's when we met. We had both gone to pick up Fake when our hands touched.
"Oh I'm sorry." I immediately pulled my hand away because I don't like being touched by strangers.
He put one arm behind his back and his fee hand grabbed the side of his neck. He then laughed and said "No I'm sorry." He smiled and pulled the hand from his neck and help it to me. "I'm Adam."
I had hesitated. But slowly held out my hand and gave a shy smile. "Brian."
"So you're into anime?"
"Love it."
"What were you reaching for?" He looked at the many titles around.
"Actually I was just looking."
"How about you?"
"What were you reaching for?"
"Oh I am going to buy Fake."
"Isn't that about a…" I had trailed off. I was uncomfortable saying 'gay man' around this stranger.
"A gay man that's trying to get his partner into bed? Yea it is." He smiled at me.
"Well it's just a movie. Frankly I don't know any cops like that."
I laughed. It was just the way he had said it. The sentence itself isn't funny it's just the way he looked while he said it. I had to walk around him to get to the Gundam Section so I did so while we laughed.
"You into Gundam?" I asked him as I turned to the disk.
"Naw. I'm more into the sci-fi animes."
"Really like what?"
"Lain mostly but I do have some others."
"Yea. What's in your collection?"
"I have every episode of Gundam Wing, Endless Waltz, Mobile Suit Gundam, Mobile Suit Gundam 0080 and I'm starting to get the Mobile Suit Gandam 0083 DVD's."
"That seems like a lot."
"It is. I have to have two jobs just to pay for my collection."
"Really? What do you do?"
"I am an editor for a local mag and I do stuff around the neighborhood for money. I will do just about anything for money."
"I'll have to keep that in mind." He muttered that but I heard it. Unwilling to face the fact that he could be gay I ignored it as just wishful thinking.
"So you have a girlfriend?"
"Not a girlfriend but I do have these three girls that are friends."
"Do you have a girlfriend?"
"No. I'm gay." I dropped the DVD's that were in my hand. Realizing that I probably seemed rude I blushed and got down to pick them up.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you."
"No it's ok. It's just that I'm not used to people telling me their gay. I kinda was surprised."
"Don't worry about it. I'm gay, too." My first step out of the closet and it was to a stranger.
"Really? You're not lying to me are you?"
"Why would I lie?" I said that with all sincerity. I really didn't know why any one would lie about being gay. I think that they'd lie and say they were straight.
"No reason."
"Oh ok. So that explains why you like Fake."
"That and it's hilarious. Hey maybe one day we could watch it together?"
"I don't know. I mean you're the only one I've told."
"Oh. You like being in the closet?"
"Mine is well furnished."
"Oh really? I don't remember being in the closet. Well I do but not a lot."
"I came out of it when I was 15."
"Oh how old are you now?"
"I'm 18 and you?"
"I'm getting hungry. You want to get a bite to eat? My treat."
"How can I refuse that?"
"Where do you want to eat?"
"Where can you afford?" We were paying as we talked.
"Where ever you want to go."
"Let's go to Ruby Tuesday's."
"Ok." We set off to go to the in mall restaurant. Which happened to be just a store away.
We ate and talked for a while before he asked me why I was here by myself.
"Well I'm meeting my friends at 8:30 to see a movie."
"It's only 7:30."
"Yea well the rents and I got into a fight. So I just drove off."
"Why? If you don't want to tell me it's ok."
"No it's fine. It's just that they want me to be like my brother and do all these sports. They don't understand that I want to be a writer."
"Oh. Sibling syndrome."
"It's when parents don't realize that their children are different and what the younger one to be exactly like the older one."
"How do you know that?"
"My folks are doing it to my sister."
"They want her to be like you?"
"No they want her to be like my step sister."
"Oh. How does your sister feel?"
"She has learned to ignore them. After all growing up with a ton of other kids makes it so you can block anything out."
"You have a big family?"
"No my sister and I grew up in an orphanage."
"Oh. I'm sorry I didn't know."
"Don't be sorry."
"So how old is this sister of yours?"
"She's 14." It was obvious that Adam doted on his little sister just by the way he smiled.
After we finished the meal we paid and left. He hung out together until it was 8:40 when we started to walk past Baskin Robins to the theater. We were talking about nothing in particular when the gang saw us. Heather, ever hyper, ran up to me. She hadn't seen me since last weekend and she had so much to tell me. Besides she really wanted to meet the guy I was walking with.
"Heya Bri!!!" A thin girl with brownish red hair and green eyes said.
"Hi Heather."
"And you are?" She said turning to Adam.
"I'm the drag king Brian picked up for the night." Adamn said in a husky feminine voice.
"What??" The unanimous word was heard from every mouth in the group, which had followed Heather. We couldn't help it. After we looked at each other Adam and I started to laugh. We laughed so hard tears rolled down our cheeks and we had to hold onto each other for support. The gang just stood there confused.
Adam's shoulders still shook with laughter as he laughingly said "Hi I'm Adam."
"He's just someone I met in FYE. Don't look at me like that!" The rest of the group started to laugh too. And as we calmed down they introduced themselves.
"I'm April." Said April. April is short, only 5'1 with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. Both her hair and eyes looked black they were so dark.
"I'm Mark." Mark is just a little taller then me at 5'11 with blond hair and blue eyes.
"Chip." Chip is 6'0 exactly with red hair and cobalt eyes.
Brittany was the last to speak. "Hi. I'm Brittany." Brittany and Mark were twins and would be identical if they weren't different sexes and if Brittany wasn't 5'5.
"Hello all."
"So I'll see ya later."
"Yea I'll call you."
"Bye." Adam just nodded his head and left. I knew that he was going to call me. I just knew it.
"So what?"
"Who was he?"
"Adam? He's just s friend."
"Come on we're going to be late for the movie."
I didn't speak of him the rest of the night or the next. And now I want to tell every one that I'm gay so I can go out with him. But I just don't know how.
AN: Please read and review. Even if you hated it. Just give me comments; I need something to live off of!! I can't think of what else to say. So Night!!!