Sorry everyone but this is being dropped for now. I've got way to much work now. Stupid track and school and state test!! But thanks for everything and try and stay tuned. I just may be able to get something out some time. I don't know when I'll have time to take this up again. I love you all!!!
Thanks a bunches to:
Fei!!! Ah!! You get a cookie (or a specially written story) for knowing what tali is!! I love those books a lot and just had to add that in. *hangs head* Very unrealistic but I was in a crappy mood and had to get some anger out. Aiee! Don't be late to class just because of me! It's flattering though that you would be!
Not Enough!!!! Ah! Don't not like Adam! I need some people on his side!! He does like Brian! But I will have to get a Bri/Mark out. Just because it's so on demand.
Rea!!!!!! I love you soo much girly!! LOL! We chat asap!! I mean it!! OI! Your guys are so.. Soo.. Soo.. Something! LOL. Love Ya! Hugs Kisses and All My Love!!!
Ssjbookgirl!!!! Yay! You like Adam!! I liked his sister too. Reminds me of someone.. I can't remember who.
IceAngelDarkMoon!!! Thanks soo much! You read it that long ago?? That's over a year!! Yay! (heh.. I love the enemy falling in love thing too!!) Thanks a bunch!!
Love everyone forever and always!! Please stay tuned!! I'll get something out when I can!!!