A/N ~ Ok this is a serious poem I wrote about my friend. I wasn't going to share it but changed my mind. I guess it's angst but I'm not sure. I would explain what it's about but I'd really rather not go into it. Thanks.


The silver tears fall too often

I wish they'd go away

I wish the night would disappear

For dawn to turn to day

The tears aren't mine, of that I'm glad

But somehow it's worse this way

I know you cry them so very much

And I can't make them go away

I'll never understand what you went through

Pray it will never happen to me

The day he died you'll never forget

His face is all you see

Why did this have to happen to you?

Why did he have to leave?

I can't answer those questions

But maybe if you believe

You'll make it through and become strong

Because that's what he'd want

I never knew him, but I grieve for you

Your regrets will always haunt

So tears from heaven fall again tonight

Maybe some day they'll end

I'm scared of that day, when they go away

I'm scared I'll lose my friend