A Soul's Seppuku

By Tara Nicole Walker

Dedicated to James E. Gamble II


Tears of blood flow from my soul

In a raging river flow

Down my heart into a pool of pain

Where I am floundering and drowning and crying in vain

I wallow in my own despair and in my self-deceit

Suddenly realizing that what I sow is also what I reap

But I have made my decision and I now stand firm

From what I've done I will surely learn

I slice my wrists and stand in the cold

It is my choice and I am bold

This is my honor and I stand true

To laying down my should and committing seppuku

What I say I please to do or what I please to say

May not be what I please but I do them anyway

They hurt others and they hurt me but my intentions are in the right

I chase my flitting dreams like dragons long after they're out of sight

I may regret what I have done as I cry and lose my blood

Lay here in pain and agony, my entire body smeared with mud

But this is my choice and I stand true

Because I take responsibility for what I do.