The Eyes of The Gifted

By Tara Nicole Walker

Dedicated to Charles E. Lauderdale


Sometimes what we need most

Is what we want least

And what we need least

Is what we want most

We can kneel and cry

Watching the winged horses of our fantasies

Sour by

And we lose again

We cry salty tears of pain

But hold our eyes closed none-the-less

Not wanting to look deep into those others and see

Pain, hope or even forgiveness

To see the shadow of someone else

Deep within the eyes of a child

As if they were possessed

Or gifted with powers that speak beyond the grave

Those eyes that when you look into them

You see twice the soul


Twice both pain

And mirth

There is the reflection of another

But to see it

Could cause tears of blood to flow

Pain the inner soul

The blessing of one's immortality

Will always be another'

S curse of remembrance

But the clock ticks on

With it's hollow sound

Thudding through the night




Drawing you closer

To the utter truth

That they still exist

While in the heart of someone else

Their soul roams the earth

Searching for the peace

Of The one blessed with a curse

The thudding of our heart resounds in your ears

As you stand at the crossroads

The turning point

At which you will decide the face

Of The One

The one and only who can show you that reflection

The one you embrace

The one you shun

Will you give a wandering soul


As the dark mists of time pass

Swirling around you as you remain uncertain

Not wanting to become vulnerable

To the filmy hands that reach out to you

But as a spirit pass through you

They reach out for not someone to hold

Or touch

But for you

The wind blows around you

And carried on it are the faintest whispers

Of their voice

The simplest of words

Touching your inner soul]

"Embrace what there is…"

"And hope…"

"For what can be…"

"Love me…"