An Empty Equation
By Tara Nicole Walker
Riding on
Through this world of endless dreams
And beautiful fantasies
Imagining that truth is something real
And that hope is tangible
And that what we do
Is not in vain
We seek and find
But what we find is never quite enough
To satisfy our soul's want
We swim on
Through endless fields of light
Searching for the next thing
That just might fill our void
That hole that begs fro answers
Answers to the question "why"
Answers to the want of our spirits
Answers to what is what
And why it is
And when it will end
And we will find peace
Even peace seems like only something we imagine
Something that stays a figment
Of our overworked imaginations
Much like truth
That remains a fantasy to be fulfilled
We need to separate
What is real
From our dreams
But how can we accomplish this
When we have nowhere to start from
Nothing to go off of
It's an empty equation
With a missing part
That we must find
But how?