What if
What if the world was purple?
Would you like just as much?
Would you roll around, sing to the air
Smile and laugh and such
What if whales could fly?
Would we shoot them down?
Or would be afraid of them
And let them flout around
What if dogs "meowed"?
And had an extra head?
Would we stick our tongs at them?
And have cows as friends instead?
What if the sun were cold
And the moon a blue blaze of fire?
Would we stay up all night long?
And then at dawn retire?
Or if the ocean were black
Would we still do water sports?
Or would we never wear again
Our bathing suits and shorts?
What I'm trying to ask
Is sorta hard you see
What I really meant to say was
Could you love a different me?
What if everything in this world has to be exact!
Would everyone who's different be threatened or attacked?
Would we be mistreated?
Or thought of animals?
Or maybe of things far more worse like
Savage cannibals
But are we really different?
Or are we quite the same?
That's for you to decide
Your mentors ain't to blame.