The cool breeze rushing through my hair
The stars brightening up the somber sky
The clouds scattered across the heavens
The waves gently lapping at my feet
Spraying me with a fine mist
The twinkling moon shining down on me
Bathing me in celestial light
Glistening in the warm waters
A surreal reflection
And me strolling on the beach
Watching the ethereal sights
Partaking of nature's beauty
The cool breeze rushing through my hair
The stars brightening up the somber sky
The clouds scattered across the heavens
The waves gently lapping at my feet
Spraying me with a fine mist
The twinkling moon shining down on me
Bathing me in celestial light
Glistening in the warm waters
A surreal reflection
And me strolling on the beach
Watching the ethereal sights
Partaking of nature's beauty