Rain makes patterns
On the window pane
Droplets forming paths
Across the cool glass
Drip, splash, drip, splash
A soothing rhythm forms
An age-old song from
The womb of our existence
Our Mother Earth
Cleansing moisture pouring
On festering wounds
Healing our world
The cool elixir a balm
For the sores and blisters
The gaping gashes
Acquired through daily living
The fresh fluid
Clear as crystal
Saccharine as syrup
The world's panacea
Rain makes patterns
On the window pane
Droplets forming paths
Across the cool glass
Drip, splash, drip, splash
A soothing rhythm forms
An age-old song from
The womb of our existence
Our Mother Earth
Cleansing moisture pouring
On festering wounds
Healing our world
The cool elixir a balm
For the sores and blisters
The gaping gashes
Acquired through daily living
The fresh fluid
Clear as crystal
Saccharine as syrup
The world's panacea