Dance That Fateful Dance
By Tara Nicole Walker
The burning of lust and desire
Deep inside of my soul
A raging fire
Engulfed in a whirlwind
My mind flushed
And my thoughts erotic
My heart pumping
Thumping against my chest
My vision is hazy yet clear
My hands are ice
But yet I burn with passion
There is not water cool enough to quench
The thirst rising within my chest
A thirst for a passion equal to mine
One that will match and blend
And bond with mine
One and only one
That will consume all of my soul
All of my mind
And all of who I am
Utterly consume me
And dance that fateful dance
Of lust
When flames of passion ignite
And swirl as one
But separate
That fills your innermost soul
And consumes your gleaming body
And holds it deep within it's grasp
Claws that hold but do not bind
Pain is numb as the utter ecstasy
Of passion is ensued
And I dance…
That fateful dance…
Of lust…
And love…