Torn Before
Tara Nicole Walker
It's nothing new.
Then why do I feel so down?
It's happened before.
Why then does my reflection frown?
It's happened before.
Why am I surprised?
It'll happen again.
Did I think it'd be different or somehow downsized?
Nothing new.
Happened before.
I'm sure there's more,
Where that's from, in store.
Why do I frown
And why am I surprised?
I ought to be used,
To all of these lies.
Maybe I can't learn.
Or maybe I just don't.
Maybe I can't keep myself from falling again.
Or maybe I just won't.
One or the other.
Left or right.
Whichever is chosen,
I wan the opposite out of my sight.
My muscles ache from fighting
And my soul is sore.
How did this happen once again?
For I've been torn before.