Tune Without A Song

By Tara Nicole Walker


Dedicated to Danielle Collins – I have the answers, but don't know how to tell them to you.

What my heart yearns to say to you

I cannot speak

And what I long to convey to you

The words escape me

There is no way to price

The immeasurable pain that you bear

And no way to show you

That I know what you see

While my heart reaches out to you

My hands seem to fall short

And while my mind continues to seek for a soul

It always comes back empty handed

I flounder helplessly

As if watching a close one pass before my eyes

I have no control to help

For my eyes can but watch you in this trap, stranded

What can I do but watch and search for words?

What can I do but hope?

What can I do but whisper repeated prayers?

What can I do but long?

I am helpless to help

Yet I have the answers if only I could find the words

I have come so close and yet so far

Like a tune without a song