The Changeling & The Tree

Twas the night of the full moon
Ye old oak tree stood in gloom
Thine own bark was weathered in age
I looked up on yonder hill
& thy roots trembled with fear
For up on that dirt ridden hill
A creature of the night came

The changeling skipped & hopped
Down to ye old oak tree at thy side
A hole in its trunk &
A key in its hole
With a twist & a turn
& away it flew
The trunk swung open &
The changeling hopped in
As I stood there without a grin.

Moments had passed & soon dawn came
Thy patience was fading, thy expression grim
Afore I took thy rest, ye changeling appeared
"Dost thou not know thy true state?
Ye be a changeling for goodness sake!"
T'was all I heard for then I feared
A changeling I was, a tree I am
What then?

Copyright 2002 Chrizta