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Joined 12-25-14, id: 1007387, Profile Updated: 12-25-14

I'm a twenty-something lover of Literature in all its variety. I don't recall a time when books weren't a part of my life and I cannot imagine it could ever change - reading is a basic need of mine.

And, for some time now, so is writing.

I do both mostly for fun and great pleasure it brings me, so I don't really see a Noble Prize in Literature in my future. Great and profound works of literery fiction aren't my cup of tea and I admit it openly. I tend to gravitate towards genre fiction, which in my opinion isn't refubrished goods at all. I prefer speculative fiction (fantasy, sf, alternative history, etc.) for the unique oportunity it gives reader to observe and experience realities that are years, galaxies and universes away from here-and-now. I like my stories with generous serving of action and intrigue and with a dash of romance just to spice things up a bit.

I'm on permanent lookout for the fabulous new read and next great writing inspiration.