![]() Author has written 4 stories for War, Nature, Humor, and Romance. Heloo People of FictionPress.com! My name is: justafaceinthecrowd incase you didnt notice My age: consists of two numbers, i know, shocker! I live: on Earth... duh! Righty-oh! Now, you still know absolutely nothing about me but dont worry, its mutual. I like to read and I'm guessing so do you, otherwise you wouldn't be here... I never thought I'd actually write something but when the mood strikes you, well, im sure you know what I mean. So please do read and enjoy, I may not be the best writer (or good at all) but i did try. Ta! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Don't go just yet!! If my stories do, by some incey wincey chance, appeal to you please feel free to ask if you can use certain aspects (characters, settings, plots etc. whatever it may be) in your own creations. Oh and reviews are appreciated! |