Gypsy Tollamer
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Joined 08-29-01, id: 104539
Name: Gypsy Tollamer
Location: Columbus State University. Go Cougars!
Status: Single again! but i like it this way!
Bestest pals: Akurei Difficile, Bee, Pegs, Wu-Wu, Link, Iris, Rinoa, Lily, Susan and many more! Hi guys!
Likes: 3x4, squirrels, Musicals, Ace of Base, sleep, cows, anime, and good fanfics.
Pet Peeves: Sound and light in my eyes when I'm trying to sleep, slow comps, stupid ex boyfriends who call me a stupid lesbian slut... ( GRR! MEN SUCK!)
Scary things: Lightning, The No NC-17 rule, and power tools.. (well mainly power saws)

PS- Ace of Base had a new album! YES! Everybody cheer with me! (jumps up and down with joy)