Look on my works, ye readers, and despair! Or at least be afraid. Not that there's much to be afraid of. . . four little fics. Well, three little fics, and one big humongous fic. I don't suggest that you read the big one unless you have some time on your hands. But it's done!!! Yay!! Hmm, bio. Well, I'm old (23) and I want to have a book published someday. I guess I should actually finish writing a story first though. Scary thought for all of you reading my long fic: I have never finished a big story. Ever. (except for now... yay!!!) But, on a more positive note, the reviews I'm getting really help me focus and want to finish. *cough hint cough* *for the sequal cough cough* And on a completely different note. . . IM me!! I like to talk to peoples online, and can generally form a coherent conversation. I like the thought of having fans. O.O IM me, IM me, IM me. |