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Joined 09-03-01, id: 106720
Minisinoo has been writing fiction since she was eleven years old and got bored with the usual "write a sentence which uses this vocabulary word" exercise in 6th grade English class. Her sentences turned into paragraphs, and the paragraphs turned into little stories . . . and she just kept on telling stories for the next 25 years. She comes by storytelling honestly, having been born into a family of storytellers. In native tradition, storytelling is "sacred business." Sure, storytellers entertain, but Min likes to tell stories that might actually "mean something," too (and how's that for arrogant?).

Min has penned over 40 X-Men stories -- shorts, series novellas, and full-length novels -- set both in movieverse and comicverse, and they include award winners like CLIMB THE WIND and LIGHTNING OVER ELK RIVER. They're not all available at . (Min won't post anything here higher than a light /R/ rating.) Please visit her website to find them. * Pay attention to warnings * As Min writes literary mainstream adult fiction by trade, not everything is suitable for minors.