![]() Author has written 6 stories for Romance, and Action. ~Welcome~ Name's Feline. She/her. I write things sometimes. Big Gay Dork, computer science major, procurer of memes. My motivation fluctuates wildly. ~My Stories~ The Talonverse My original universe of very queer superheroes, 'nuff said. In modern San Francisco, which has become a hub for metahumans with special powers, heroes and villains run amok. The Talon Alliance: Aloft (Book One): In progress! The first book in the Talon Alliance series. Echoes of Steel: In progress! A Talon Alliance spinoff. The Talon Alliance: Grounded (Book Two): Upcoming! and many more spinoffs and books to come XD we'll see how long I can keep this up... The Verse-Verse There's not nearly as much worldbuilding here as the Talonverse, but all stories in the Verse-Verse are set in vaguely the same universe and the chapter titles come from song lyrics (verses). It's basically just a playground for me to practice with my characters. First Things First: Completed! A week of experimental one-shots/character studies for Valentine's Day 2022. Everyone Is Gay: Completed! A one-shot a day writing challenge during Pride Month 2022, with a prompts list curated by GirlPower54. Stand in the Light: In progress. The same deal as above, but for Pride Month 2023... and beyond, because I never finished. The characters featured on the cover are, clockwise from top left: -Tala with the lesbian flag -Anu with the rainbow flag and his frog Princess (he is yet to appear in the collection but he's one of my gayest characters, definitely not because the government put chemicals in his water) -Lio with the transgender flag -Jordan with the non-binary flag -Elijah with the pansexual flag -Iggy with the gay man flag -Cyrus with the bisexual flag -Mistral with the asexual flag |