Mister Bear
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Joined 09-18-01, id: 112174
Proud founders of the Let's Torture Harry A Lot Club, Krissy and Cassie stay up all night on AIM trading off considerably evil fics. They share many collaborations as well as obsessions (Harry Potter, anime, Power Rangers, and a whole LOT of other stuff). They are also inherantly evil and worship the god that is Tom Felton.

As of 9/23/01, we have a mailing list for our fanfics. MisterBear @ YahooGroups. Join for fic info and discussion!

UPDATE: 11/10/01 DOE4 and Hallie2 are both now in progress. It shouldn't be *too* much longer before we'll have something for you all!

April 8th, 2002:*sigh* Yes, we have been promising the new chapter for forever but we're majorly blocked and refuse to write something just to please you guys. *We* want to be happy with it first. Don't worry, it *will* be done...eventually.