Lord Timmy of Cob1
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Joined 09-21-01, id: 113392
Author has written 1 story for Fantasy.
Greetings, loyal subjects! I am Lord Timmy of Cob (as in corn), King of the Library People (they're like munchins, only smaller and tone deaf). My kingdom is one of peace, goodness, and free popcorn for everyone! Feel free to stop by the People Library of the Library People anytime for hilarious fanfics of Gundam Wing and Zelda. I hope that you find them most enjoyable... and did I mention that my sister is the lovely and talented BRITNEY SPEARS??!!! I didn't? Oh, well, cause, SHE'S NOT! Acutually, my sister is the author, Aerie Angel, so, um... go read her fanfics too (shameless plug).
The Legend Of Zelda: Age Of The Lost Yogurt reviews
I have come to the conculsion that Fanfiction.net SUCKS! So I therefore will not put my Zelda fics on that Horrorible site. However; Since I like fictionpress.com The Adventures Of Legalguy will remain on this site, and only on this site.
Fiction: Fantasy - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,706 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 2 - Published: 7/7/2003