Author has written 8 stories for Fantasy, General, Romance, and Manga. So, who am I? I could lie amusingly, but I can't come up with something witty enough, so I may as well just tell the truth. I'm a 17 year old Australian school girl, and I like yaoi. In fact, I really, REALLY like yaoi, and this is incredibly evident through almost ALL my stories. I also like video-games, fantasy books and anime. If you would like to contact me, feel free over MSN, AIM, email or my livejournal.Last Update:19th November2004 Currently working on: Have started the third story of the Heavenly Chaos series. (Urg, I really need to get a new name for the series. shudder) It's Raphael/Michael centric; the name is A Mirror To Life. 11/11/04: Just a note to say that I haven't abandoned my writing, particularly not Heavenly Chaos. I've been updating fanfiction and original work at my writing LJ, insaneidiot, instead of on and here. As for my angels, I will continue to post them here, but I've been busy with Christmas fics and schoolwork- I'm planning a sort of NaNoWriMo-like thing in January where I'll write as much on Heavenly Chaos as I can, so please don't give up on me! 9/2/05: Writing marathon HAS happened. Have finished AMTL, the story after, and am on the last chapter of the story after that. HOWEVER. It is not going to go up here. In future, all updates will occur at /users/heavenlychaos for the angels stories and at /users/insaneidiot for fanfiction and any other original works. Thank you! |