Author has written 13 stories for General, General, Humor, Politics, Love, and Friendship. "Through this world I stumble, so many times betrayed. Trying to find an honest word to find the truth the enslaved. Oh, you speak to me in riddles and you speak to me in rhymes. My body aches to breathe your breath. Your words keep me alive." - Sarah McLachlan's "Possession"Uh ... lemme see... I'll start with the fact that I think I know everything. Anyway, HP fanfiction is fun to write, so I write it. My fave characters are: I am also sharing a pen name with Mika Kino (a great friend, artist, and fellow poet). We call ourselves "The Weasley Sisters" and will be publishing all of our Weasley fanfic under this name. Please review it! It's depressing how no one has... My friends and I are also starting a Marauders web site, so once SOMEONE gets it going, you can join our stupid little club, and call youself a Marauder! Go bug Mickey802 for me, the little webmistress. The web address is http:///mickey_802/main.htm One of my favorite Harry Potter artists is LMRourke. You can find her at http://, where I'm also trying to get people to review my stuff. Another of my favorite artists can be found @ http:///mwppmap/ I am also a musical fan of almost everything but sappy country (Garth Brooks "B-E-E-R R-U-N"!), rap, and "easy" jazz. I know the basics of practically everything, from classical to swing to rock'n'roll to hard rock to pop. I'm not fantastic at it, and I don't have the CD to everything, but I usually have an idea. So feel free to comment about moosic! Sarah McLachlan RULES! Movies are also a forte for me. You name a famous actor/movie (in English!), and I've probably seen it. Try me if you don't believe me. Hello to all my friends (the ones whom I pester either over the phone or through e-mail) who've stopped by to see what mischief I'm up to! Time Is a Pretzel: I'm so pleased with the success of this fic! I've finished the actual story, and I know a lot of you are upset, but c'est la vie! It's my plot, I decided to end it that way (it's the only version where I could even have a remote chance of not changing fate!). Sleepless Nights: Please review this, people! This is one of my most intellectual fics yet, and I'm very proud of it! Now: "Run away! Run away!" - Monty Python and the Holy Grail (and also used by the SMHS German IV class in their production of "Robin Hood") |