Author has written 3 stories for General. Scroll down to the bottom if you can't be bothered to read my exciting bio which I spent so long writing, and skip down to my examples of pure talent. I mean fanfiction.Greetings butterflies! I am Snowling, Oh Almighty One, or Segolas, Ling, Snowling Artemis, Snow, Xue, China Girl, Symbol, Swiss Miss. Ah, the many nicknames I have had bestowed on me. While you're here, go and visit my Guy Pearce site and my personal site. Yes adore me, it's okay, I'm used to it. And for more promotion ... my personal site is PINK. Wow. Sorry about the subtle advertising, but what is the point of spending so much time making a beautiful website when no one sees it? I stumbled upon to read Pearl Harbor fanfiction in June 2001, due to my obsession with Josh Hartnett ... well, I've come a long way since then. LOTR fanfiction, originals, Minority Report fanfic, Memento ... marvel at the diversity. And I'm on the list of 11 members. And not all of them are LOTR fangirls. Fantastic. Sadly I won't be posting anymore English coursework, since I'm not taking English next year, but hopefully I will try to write an original story/epic type thing. I doubt that I will ever have the patience to finish "To Protect and To Love" ... it's a pretty cruddy fanfic, and I wrote it myself. Still, it must be okay since it's got 196 reviews. I'm also too lazy to change the plothole in the Memento fic, which I did notice but by that time it was too late cause everyone had posted their review about noticing it and I don't want to make people look stupid by altering the fic now. :D Meanwhile I shall continue with the Minority Report story, even though it's been a year since I first saw it in the cinema and about 3 months since I last rented it [phew, talk about stretching a good idea ...] So, what's next? Let's just say, I'm now a Trinity [of Matrix fame] and Lady Deathstrike [of X-men2 fame] fan ... watch this space ... Yes I am a sci-fi geek. LOTR, Matrix, Minority Report, X-men ... phew. Feel free to AIM or email me, but please introduce yourself fully first [e.g. Hi this is blabla from ] or else I'll get freaked out. Love, kisses and big hugs all round, Snowling Useless point of the day [or until I can next be bothered to change my bio* |