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Joined 11-06-01, id: 123004
Hiya! My name's Giulia (spelled like Julia) I'm Italian and I live in Rome. English is not my motherlanguage, I speak Italian and I'm sorry that my English fics aren't correct. I can't help... you know, if English is not your language and you don't live in an English speaking country, you can't know and apreciate all the shades of a language. So, please, forgive my faults.

I'm an HUGE Takahashi Rumiko fan ^_^; I love all her works, but my fave is Inuyasha: I love everything about it, the way Takahashi-sama portrays the characters, that are very, very deep and realistic, and the plot... I LOVE Inuyasha's plot!

I love Adachi Mitsuru too. I'm totally addicted about Adachi stories, his way to make you feel what a character feels without making them really TELL it. I LOVE the way he makes fun of his own works, since they're manga and not reality. (sample: boy and girl on the street. The wind rises the girl's skirt. Girl : ARGH! Damn wind! Boy: it's a gift for the readers. Girl: eh?!? Boy: the pages are finished, I'll explain you in the next chapter. Me: ^O^)

I like a lot of other anime series (Rurouni Kenshin, Card captor Sakura and CLAMP in general, Fushigi Yuugi, Video Girl Ai, Glass mask, Hana Yori Dango, PSME, Bastard!, Tenchi Muyo, Fruits Basket, Yuyu Hakusho, Bishoujio Senshi Sailormoon, Detective Conan, Bakuretsu Hunter, Mars by Fuyumi Souryou, some parts of Dragon Ball, Karekano, Kodocha the manga and all the other stuff I forgot -_-), and some type of fantasy and historical books ^_^. Recently I discovered Harry Potter, and I'm getting to be very addicted to it.

If you wanna talk with me, please add me to your instant messanger list... I don't bite, I love to talk!

I have found out that I can't keep updating huge fics all together. I can't concentrate very well and I can't help but make you wait too much time between a chapter and another one.
So I decided to keep writing one fic at time.
I'm currently writing "Harry Potter and the reflection of Tromedlov", that is my new Harry Potter/Inuyasha's crossover. When I'll finish it I'll keep writing AITR until the end and so on...
I have seen that in this way I can update more frequently: I have written 2 chapters of HPatRoT in less than 15 days.
Recently I created an updates Mailing List. So, if you wanna be updated about the new chapters I post to my fics, you can join sending an e-mail at http:///group/Kagome_updates. It's a Yahoo group. It's not only to give you updates but even to discuss about what I wrote and I'll write. please sign up if you care ^_^