Figures that I would come to hate yet another thing that I have here goes... ~*~*~*~ANNOUNCEMENT~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~Bio~*~*~*~ I am Buddhist. Theravada Buddhist. Ask if I'm Asian and die. Do I smell pancakes? *sniffs the air* ~*~*~*~Updates~*~*~*~ Nova Rising- Lots of problems with this one...I've hated it since the start, and can't get it back on its feet. So I'm taking it down for the moment so I can refurbish it, then put it back up again once I make it a little better. Maybe introduce Sachi earlier... Files of a Girl on the Run- The first story I've ever finished (except for Subconscious, but that's kind of different...) and yet I hate it's too romantric. So I'm taking it down just long enough to make it less soppy. After I post it, I guess those of you who've already read it can tell me if you like the new version better. Trail of Blood- Dead. The plot was very hard for me to work with because, at the time it was started, I already had two stories going and couldn't handle it. Possible resurrection in the distant future. Vegas Range- I started re-writing it, however, it comes in very small bits. Don't count on this one to be up any time soon. Utopian Rhapsody- Finished and posted, though in unreadable single-paragraph format. As soon as time permits, I will change this. Files 2: Crossbreed- Until I get the SuperDisk on my eMac working, this one is also on hiatus. Not because I don't know what to write in it but because I have nowhere to write it now that it's trapped on a disk. Eternal Dawn- Finished. Waiting to be posted. Gaia Chronicles- Did I say going good? I meant it. This is the one of only two of my stories that I've ever loved (the other one being Trail of Blood, which died). The characters are great, their relationships are great, and...guess what! The only romance in it is reeeaaally screwed-up, so it's not mushy at all! YAY! The prequel to it is already up, maybe you should read it! ~*~*~*~Recommendations~*~*~*~ Reisi- Several originals, including the wildly popular Death The Girl Who Wasn't. Space Sucks in the Line of Morons and its sequel, Space 2, are also very good. So is Ranhel's Adventure. Just go read her stuff. Ukyorou- Mostly poems and songs, including songs written for Van Dib (our band). Heartfelt and original. Takatome Ichido- What can I say? It's the Keebs. Numerous original fiction, incredibly well-written and, in the case of Nameless Compromise With Reality, downright hilarious. Everybody loves Keebs...she's like Sarah Lee cake. Kyani Star- Only one poem up, but an almost necessary read. Go read it. Right now. dead star- An original fiction chronicling the life of a teenage male in today's society. Takes an honest look at adolescence. donkeyherder- A non-fiction account of an experience from his old residence. It's the Miraculous Mr. Rip, and he has perfect grammar. Wings- Ooooh, she's so funny! . Izz-woman, she owns you all! Go read! Specifically, read The Door to the Eternal Sands! *glomps Morja* yearling hopes- You're awful angsty, aren't you? Well, here is an angsty poem about...what else? DEATH! AAAHHHH! Nooo, don't die! ~*~*~*~Conclusion~*~*~*~ Oh. I hate my stories. Except Gaia. Love, Peace, and Pudding in the Bonsais! ("OMG!!! MY BONSAIS THEY R RUINED!!!") ~BETH!~ |