hey why not everyone else has one... whaddaya want to know about me. i'm a rising author my first story bein Evangelion A3I (plz read) most of my stories are dreams tht i wanna share withyou ppl... hey if you like them great ^-^ if not well... you shall be assasinated upon my coration as world leader ( think i'm playin) what do i look like? well you see when my baners wave HAHAHAHA!!!!! no actually i'm tall thin black hair brown eyes um anyhting else you'll ahve to ask me... but don't blame me when a bullet hits ya (this is the only thing keeping me from cryin due to lack of reviews) well see ya !_-V Forgive me Faithful fans and those who have me on their favorite lists (which only seems to be my wife) but due to school i haven't been much into writing...besides you guys don't read what i write anyway...but i got some new material n_nV |