Author has written 5 stories for General, and General. Heyo peeps who like me and are boring enough to read my bio!! [just jokin!] WAAZZZZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAA?! The names SSTEEPHHHH and I write FRIENDS FANFICTION!!!!! YAY! C&M and R&R. I know you all love me!!! heehee.I LURVE Chandler!!!!!!! he rox my world!! heehee...and so does WESTLIFE!!!!! oh yeah, I'm obsessed with SOCCER!! GERMAN SOCCER ROCKS!!!!! ~*German Soccer fevaaaaaaaaaaaa*~ Yes, I'm german...and proud baby!! Go Bayern Munich!! Ballack ROX! Okay, b4 i shut ya go, check these out, they're hilarious!!!!!!: ~~~*Cry me a river, build me a bridge, DINNER IS READY WHEN THE SMOKE ALARM GOES OFF. ?¿if u say u had the best dream last night i cRiEd tOdAy.. nOt bEaCaUsE i mIsS yOu.. DoNt UpSeT mE iM rUnNiNg OuT oF pLaCeS tO hIdE dA bOdIeS U broke my heart and made me cry.. Now repeat after me baby*Bye Bye Bye* i'M nOt SmiLiN At u ! ¤Íf Í prømï§ë to m裏 ýou wïll yøu go åwåÿ ?!¤ ~*~Your as fake as a 3$ bill!!!!!!!!!~*~ OKay, I'll shut up now! but if ya r interested...go to this awesome site: yay!! i'm like advertising here, but AH WELL!! go read my fics...i promise they wont disapoint ya!! [if they do, sue me!] peace out, ME* |
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