AJ Matthews
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Joined 01-02-02, id: 147795
Author has written 1 story for General.
Check out my combo fics:

Another fic is cowritten with property of legolas, and is called 'The Hope Of Men'.

I am also cowriting a fic with cosmicflame, called 'Monolithic Juggernaught'. Here's the link, and please review! http://fanfiction.net/read.php?storyid=693152

I've started a new combo fic called 'Unconditional Love' with Elendor and it's Kirin and Sellen's POV from the time Legolas was born until 'When Eyes Meet Eyes'. Please review!

I'm still rewriting the
next and probable final chapter for the revised 'falling tears'.

A special thanks to my beta-readers! You know who you are!

The next chapter for 'The Blood Oath' is finally up. Not sure when the next chapter will be, though.

hi everyone! i know it's been a really, really long time, but i am finally better, and here's hoping that it will stay that way. *crosses fingers* i am really sorry that i got so sick, and i honestly did not know it was going to take so long for me to recover from it. thank you to everyone who sent me nice emails and cards, they cheered me up when abby read them to me. i'll be thanking each of you personally as well, once i get the time to.
for the main question that i know you all are asking- yes, i *will* be finishing my stories. my home computer is beyond repair, so i am working now to save enough money to buy a new one, and if things work out the way i've planned, i should have one by febuary, at the latest. please be patient just a little longer. i know it's been a long time, but i really could not help being so sick, nor with the fact that my home computer's BIOS system went haywire.

Decisions reviews
An original short story that I wrote for Composition 1. Feedback is appreciated.
Fiction: General - Rated: T - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,214 - Reviews: 16 - Published: 4/21/2002