Molotov Chaser
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Joined 01-05-02, id: 149724
I suppose that because you went to all the trouble to look me up, I ought to have a bio. . .
I'm from Riverside, California, but I live in Lincoln Nebraska. I love any kind of yaoi or shounen ai, but rarely het fics. Final fantasy and Linkin Park are my obsessions, although I've recently become fond of the band Placebo, and Yami no Matsuei. I write poetry and june fanfiction, try to be as descriptive as possible, and am currently working on a book. If it's ever published, you all will be the first to know, besides my best friend Sam. Her author name is UsagiSam, and she writes yaoi (better than me). Other authors I love dearly and/or obsess over their work are -
Seshat (who writes the best foursome)
Matt1plus1 (He's such a sweetie!)
Razor Osaka
Pyra Th eDragon Girl
and last but not least, DarkSquall

They're great authors, look them up! Feel free to IM me or visit my home page, I'm always up for a good chat or role play.