Author has written 1 story for General. "It pisses me off that anyone can pick up a pen and write, and that everyone I know seems to write thinking that writing makes them deep, not knowing that the pen is not the well but the bucket. Less than that, the rope to pull the bucket." -Me:Things to give a crap about: It's been a while. I will attempt to fix what has been broken. If I don't get too lazy :About Me: (BRAND NEW SECTION) Name: Ben. Location: Ithaca, New York where ice and salt are not just at the dinner table anymore by way of Queens, New York home Age: Legal. Sign: The Virgin. IQ: Dumb enough to question whether boys who say they like me, really like me as much as they think they do. In love / Out of Love?: ...Erm...good question? Sexual Preference: When I go to IHOP, I get sausages...every...time. What's in my CD player: Donovan, "The Very Best of Donovan: The Early Years" What's in my Playstation 2: "Disgaea, Hour of Darkness" What's in my not-quite-shiny not-so-new gamecube: "X-Men Legends" What's on my computer right now: Napster...good times man, good times. What I'm reading: A Home At the End of The World by Michael Cunningham |